The objective of this research project is to develop a user interface “test bed” to measure the role of touchscreen kiosks with community connectivity. This interface test bed will apply the knowledge of interface design to the domain of public transit kiosks, with a particular focus on bike share stations. The value of this research is the ability to generate user feedback between community members using urban experiences. Safety, effectiveness and community connectivity of public transit is enhanced with this information interface. This report explains the test bed kiosk’s design, physical build, and hardware and software testing. User interaction studies for standards, accessibility and design criteria were done; 2D and 3D modeling, material sourcing and mockups were built. Hardware sensors for proximity included passive infrared (PIR), ultrasonic range finding and RGB-D technology using Microsoft Kinect. Tests measured interaction with user movement type, including the differentiation of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles. Observed interaction tests were performed with human subjects review approval.