The GO Project: Helping People Access Their Community Through Assistive Technology |
09/30/2005 |
Stephen Fickas, Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Oregon |
SPECIAL SEMINAR: Modeling Urban Commercial Vehicle Movements Using Tour-based Microsimulation |
09/27/2005 |
J. Douglas Hunt, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Calgary |
SPECIAL SEMINAR: Surveillance of Traffic Flow on Urban and Intercity Expressways in Japan |
09/19/2005 |
Haruo Ozaki, Toyo University, Japan |
If You're Not Part of the Solution, You're Part of the Problem: The Planner's Role in Meeting the Transportation Needs of An Aging Society. |
06/03/2005 |
Sandra Rosenbloom, University of Arizona |
Understanding the Link Between Bicycles and Light Rail -AND- Does Grocery Store Size Matter? The Effect of Grocery Store Size on Shoppers' Travel Behavior |
05/27/2005 |
Matthew Lasky and Jay Renkins, MURP Candidates, Portland State University |
PORTAL: Experience Developing Portland's Transportation Data Archive -AND- Public Elementary/Middle School Siting Issues in Suburban Ddevelopments |
05/20/2005 |
Steve Hansen and Tom Moes, MURP Candidates, Portland State University |
Regional Freight Data Collection Project |
05/13/2005 |
Scott Drumm, Port of Portland |
Achieving Regional Land Use Objectives Through Transportation Programming |
05/06/2005 |
Tom Kloster, Metro |
Data R Us: Personal Travel Data Sources for Planning |
04/29/2005 |
Elaine Murakami and Ed Christopher, Federal Highway Administration |
Evaluating Travel Survey Data Collection Methods in Oregon |
04/22/2005 |
Johanna Zmud, NuStats |
A Quiet Revolution in Transportation Finance |
04/15/2005 |
Martin Wachs, Director, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California at Berkeley |
Connect Oregon |
04/08/2005 |
Pat Egan, Port of Portland |
Extending the Value of Automatic Data Collection Systems in Transit |
04/01/2005 |
Nigel Wilson, Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Integrated Transport/Land Use Modeling |
03/11/2005 |
John Gliebe, Parsons Brinckerhoff |
Updating Oregon's Transportation Plan |
03/04/2005 |
Gail Curtis, Oregon Department of Transportation |
National Center for Accessible Transportation |
02/25/2005 |
Kate Hunter-Zaworski, Oregon State University |
World Cities in 2104: Transportation Aspects |
02/18/2005 |
Gary Spanovich, Wholistic Peace Institute |
Creating Active Communities: How Transportation Systems Impact Physical Activity |
02/11/2005 |
Noelle Dobson, Program Manager, Active Living By Design, American Heart Association |
Thinking Big: New Finance and Contracting Options for Transportation Infrastructure |
02/04/2005 |
John Carter, Imeson & Carter |
Transportation Planning Rule |
01/28/2005 |
Bob Cortright, Transportation and Growth Management Coordinator, Land Conservation and Development Commission |
Roadway Design, Driver Expectation and Pedestrian Crashes |
01/21/2005 |
Michael Ronkin, Oregon Department of Transportation and Rodger Gutierrez, Civil Engineering student, Portland State University |
Automated Passenger Counts on Light Rail: Validation, Sampling, and Reporting at TriMet |
01/14/2005 |
Thomas Kimpel, Center for Urban Studies, Portland State University |
Impacts and Issues Related to Proposed Changes in Oregon's Interstate Speed Limits |
01/07/2005 |
Chris Monsere, Portland State University |
Context Sensitive, Multi-disciplinary Design of Historic Roads in Western National Parks |
12/03/2004 |
Craig Dewey, FHWA Western Federal Lands Highway Division |
Congestion and its Extent |
11/19/2004 |
Robert Bertini, Civil & Environmental Engineering and Urban Studies & Planning, Portland State University |