Research Highlights

Expanding Transmobilities: An Art-Informed Methodology For Genderdiverse Travel Behavior

Nicholas Puczkowskyj
There is a significant gendered travel behavior research gap in the transportation literature. A plethora of transportation literature identifying and contrasting cisgender disparities exists, but more inclusive approaches to genderdiverse identities remain scarce. The burgeoning field of transmobilities investigates transgender mobility and evolved from the nexus of mobility justice and gender studies by studying transgender experiences on public transit. This dissertation expands transmobil... Read More

Modeling Capacity: Multiple Weaving Areas

Sheida Khademi
Behruz Paschai , James Williams
Systematic, well-designed research provides the most effective approach to the solution of many problems facing highway administrators and engineers. Traffic congestion on freeway systems is one significant concern in urban areas throughout the U.S.A. In this era, building new freeways to reduce congestion is less feasible due to the high capital and social costs. Thus, the effective management and operation of existing freeway facilities has become a preferred approach to reduce traffic cong... Read More