Ashley Haire
Development, Deployment, and Assessment of a New Educational Paradigm for Transportation Professionals and University Students
2011-06-30 |
Ashley Haire
Bicycle and Pedestrian Engineering Design Curriculum Expansion
2011-06-30 |
John MacArthur
Climate Change Impact Assessment for Surface Transportation in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska
2011-06-30 |
Christopher Monsere
Exploratory Methods for Truck Re-identification in a Statewide Network Based on Axle Weight and Axle Spacing Data to Enhance Freight Metrics: Phase 2
2011-05-31 |
Christopher Higgins
Tools for Gusset Plate Evaluation
2011-04-30 |
Richard Margerum
Regional transportation and land use decision making: a multistate analysis
2011-04-30 |
Kate Hunter-Zaworski
Impacts of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs) on transportation infrastructure safety and regulation
2011-03-31 |
Robert Parker
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Community Needs Assessment
2011-03-31 |
Miguel Andres Figliozzi
Analyzing and Quantifying the Impact of Congestion on LTL Industry Costs and Performance in the Portland Metropolitan Region
2011-03-30 |
Miguel Andres Figliozzi
Analysis of Travel Time Reliability for Freight Corridors Connecting the Pacific Northwest
2011-03-30 |
Marc Schlossberg
Transportation Planning Through Mobile Mapping Technology
2011-01-31 |
James Strathman
Extraboard Management
2011-01-31 |
Linda George
Development of a Model to Predict and Mitigate Environmental and Public Health Impacts of Traffic Flows and Traffic Management Policies in Urban Transportation Microenvironments
2010-12-31 |
Jason Ideker
Durability Assessment of Recycled Concrete Aggregates for use in New Concrete
2010-12-31 |
David Jay
Maintaining Safe, Efficient and Sustainable Intermodal Transport through the Port of Portland
2010-12-31 |
David Kim
Green and Economic Fleet Replacement Modeling
2010-12-31 |
David Porter
Wireless Data Collection System for Real-Time Arterial Travel Time Estimation
2010-12-31 |
Heejun Chang
Future Flooding Impacts on Transportation Infrastructure and Traffic Patterns Resulting from Climate Change
2010-06-30 |
Karen Dixon
Calibrating the HSM Predictive Methods for Oregon Highways
2010-06-30 |
Karen Dixon
Advisory Speed Safety Study
2010-06-30 |
Nico Larco
designBridge: Integrating Transportation into Service Learning Design/Build Projects
2010-03-31 |
B. Starr McMullen
Freight Performance Measures: Approach Analysis
2010-03-31 |
Jennifer Dill
Long term evaluation of individualized marketing programs for travel demand management
2010-02-28 |
Jennifer Dill
Evaluation of Bike Boxes at Signalized Intersections
2010-01-31 |