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Research Highlights

How Technology Can Affect the Demand for Bicycle Transportation: The State of Technology and Projected Applications of Connected Bicycles

John MacArthur
The term “connected vehicle (CV)” refers to vehicles equipped with devices, which enable wireless communication between internal and external entities, supporting vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications. The widespread deployment of CVs will address a range of transportation challenges related to safety, mobility, and sustainability. Recent research efforts on connected bicycles have focused on the uses and limitations of the st... Read More

How Can Interdisciplinary Teams Leverage Emerging Technologies to Respond to Transportation Infrastructure Needs? A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of Civil Engineers, Urban Planning, and Social Workers’ Perspectives

Noelle Fields
Courtney Cronley , Kate Hyun , Stephen Mattingly
This study explores strengthening collaboration between disciplines, to build a transportation system that better serves everyone. Transportation planners and engineers often struggle to serve at-risk communities and environmental justice (EJ) populations. EJ populations can include older adults, people with low income, low socioeconomic status, racial and ethnic minorities, and individuals with disabilities—all groups who are at an increased risk for transportation disadvantage. Evidence ... Read More