Research Highlights
Marginalized Populations’ Access to Transit: Journeys from Home and Work to Transit
Marisa Zapata
Ivis Garcia , Amy Lubitow , Miriam Abelson
Previous scholarship has shown that low-income individuals who also might identify as racial, ethnic, and gender minorities (such as transgender and gender nonconforming) are more likely to be dependent on public transportation. What remains understudied is how these marginalized groups, given their intersectional identities of oppression, might experience transit. The primary research question guiding this project is how do people with intersecting marginal identities experience social exclu...
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Phase 2 Multimodal Transportation Planning Applications Curriculum for Urban Planning Programs
Kristine Williams
Integrated multimodal transportation and land use planning is critical to advancing mode choice, public health and safety, and livability objectives. Communities across the U.S. are seeking to redefine their planning process accordingly. In response, university graduate urban planning and engineering programs are beginning to address multimodal planning and sustainable transportation, but most do not yet offer a robust curriculum on these topics. To help address this need, the University of S...
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