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Research Highlights

Understanding the Accessibility, Economic and Social Equity Impacts of Urban Greenway Infrastructure

Jenny Liu
“City Greenways” is a concept proposed as a part of Portland’s 2035 Comprehensive Plan, which calls for a citywide network of park-like pedestrian and bicycle friendly streets crisscrossing the city at roughly three-mile intervals. This research establishes several approaches to measure the transportation network impact of the “City Greenways” and relate bicycle network measures to economic and social equity outcomes. Expanding upon existing literature, we derived three sets of bicycle ac... Read More

Mobility and Accessibility Resilience of Transportation Infrastructures

David Yang
The objective is to address practical challenges related to mobility and accessibility following natural disasters. The anticipated outcome of this project will be to provide actionable insights and solutions that can be implemented in real-world transportation systems. By leveraging the available data from state DOTs and applying analytical techniques, our research will provide valuable insights and recommendations that can be readily implemented by transportation practitioners and stakehold... Read More