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Research Highlights

The Contribution of Transportation and Land Use to Citizen Perceptions of Livability in Oregon MPOs

Rebecca Lewis
Robert Parker
Livability is a key focus of integrating transportation and land use planning throughout the United States, and the world. Livability is a concept that has been guiding U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) policy since 2009, focusing on six principles including: providing transportation choices, expanding housing location, improving economic competitiveness, improving existing communities, aligning federal policy, and enhancing unique characteristics of communities (USDOT, n.d.). In Oreg... Read More

Introduction to Scientific Computing for Planners, Engineers, and Scientists

Liming Wang
Building on the successful scientific computing training program offered by the Software Carpentry (http://www.software-carpentry.org/), the proposed course exposes students in science, engineering, and planning to the best practices in scientific computing through hands-on lab sessions and aims to help students tackle the challenge of "drinking from a hose" when dealing with overwhelming amount of data that is increasingly common in these disciplines. Although computing is now an integral pa... Read More