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Research Highlights

Toward Automating the Measurement of Urban Design Qualities Related to Walkability

S. Hassan Ameli
Streets are one of the most significant elements of urban spaces to accommodate public activity and provide access to numerous locations and services. Today, our cities face various challenges, including urban sprawl, air pollution, and obesity. To address some of these problems, cities and local governments consider land use planning and urban design to lower car dependency and promote walking and biking. Many studies have characterized the built environment in terms of D variables density,... Read More

How Can E-bike Purchase Incentives Grow the E-bike Market?

John MacArthur
Christopher Cherry , Luke Jones
The electric bicycle (e-bike) is a low-emission mode of transportation that offers communities benefits in the areas of health, planning, time, cost, street safety, congestion, air pollution, noise pollution, and energy security, among others. Despite the establishment of a stable and growing market, e-bike ownership remains prohibitively expensive for many people. Across the world, incentive programs have emerged as a popular technique in the effort to bridge the chasm of e-bikes' technology... Read More