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Research Highlights

New Mobility For All: Can Targeted Information And Incentives Help Underserved Communities Realize The Potential Of Emerging Mobility Options?

Nathan McNeil
John MacArthur
Low-income residents, immigrants, seniors, and people with disabilities – these are people who stand to gain the most from new tools and services that reduce transportation costs and travel time. However, issues of affordability, technology adoption, banking access or other barriers can limit access to these new mobility opportunities. In the latest report funded by the National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC), New Mobility For All: Evaluation of a Transportation Incent... Read More

Collaborative Regional Planning: Tools and Techniques for Teaching Collaborative Regional Planning to Enhance Livability and Sustainable Transportation

Danya Rumore
Sarah Hinners , Divya Chandrasekhar
Communities throughout the nation face a variety of interconnected transportation, livability, and sustainability challenges that can only be effectively addressed through regional planning collaboration. These challenges are particularly pressing in gateway and natural amenity region communities throughout the U.S. Mountain West. This project engaged graduate students in developing curricular materials to teach planning students, professional planners, and community-members (1) the core conc... Read More