Research Highlights
Rapid Transportation Structure Evaluation Toolkit
Charles (C.J.) Riley
A previous NITC grant (#985 Dynamic Evaluation of Transportation Structures with iPod-Based Data Acquisition) supported education and research development at Oregon Tech in the area of mobile devices in sensor network applications to evaluate transportation structures via dynamic parameters like natural frequency and damping ratio. The goal of the previous grant was to determine the feasibility of using mobile devices in structural health monitoring applications and to build an educational mo...
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Social Equity in Transit: Toward social and environmental justice in transportation
Torrey Lyons
Much of the literature on transit focuses on very fine-grained aspects of the industry, often neglecting the important foundation of why the service is even provided in the first place. Transit service is supported by local governments with aid from larger bodies to provide a more diverse transportation network that serves as many needs of the public as possible. While transit agencies tend to focus on ridership as a measure of performance, this can skip over an important aspect of the agency...
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