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Research Highlights

Toward Data and Solution-Focused Approaches to Support Homeless Populations on Public Transit

Anne Nordberg
Jaya Davis , Stephen Mattingly
No matter where you live, but especially if you live in a big city, you have likely seen people experiencing homelessness (PEH) using public transportation services. PEH use public transportation not only to get from place to place but also as shelter. Unfortunately, the relationship between the homeless populations, homeless services providers, and transportation providers is not well understood, making it difficult to pinpoint the best ways to accommodate those experiencing homelessness. ... Read More

Generalized Adaptation of an Electric-Hydraulic hybrid drive system

James Long
Steve Edgeman , Xin Wang
KersTech Vehicle Systems is in the process of creating a hybrid drive system combining a flat format hydraulic motor with an electric motor for energy recapture of vehicle momentum. The initial drive system is targeted at a specific vehicle application. A main component of the drive system being developed is a controller and the associated algorithm. The controller algorithm is a new adaptation of an optimally robust algorithm for model uncertainties and resilience against control feedback ga... Read More