Research Highlights
Green Waves, Machine Learning, and Predictive Analytics: Making Streets Better for People on Bikes
Stephen Fickas
Marc Schlossberg
Led by Dr. Stephen Fickas of the University of Oregon (UO), transportation researchers are working to give bicyclists smoother rides by allowing them to communicate with traffic signals via a mobile app.
The latest report to come out of this multi-project research effort introduces machine-learning algorithms to work with their mobile app FastTrack. Developed and tested in earlier phases of the project, the app allows cyclists to passively communicate with traffic signals along a busy bi...
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Evaluating Improved Transit Connections for Ladders of Opportunity
Stephen Mattingly
Yi-Chang Chiu , Sia Ardekani , Courtney Cronley , Noelle Fields
Many transit operators employ limited strategies to provide connectivity to transit, like bicycle racks on buses. This project will examine more innovative options, such as: subsidies, hybrid ride sharing business models, flexible routing, smaller transit vehicles, transit-sponsored bike share programs, and social carpooling to meet first and last mile needs and increase mobility for all users, especially underserved and disadvantaged populations. As part of the University of Arizona’s cost s...
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