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Research Highlights

Incorporating Bicycle Activity and Vehicle Travel Reduction from Bicycle Infrastructure into Strategic Planning Tools

Joe Broach
Kristina Currans
Planners and modelers at all levels of government have been grappling with the problem of how to better represent bicycling when modeling and forecasting future scenarios. Planners want to know how and to what extent infrastructure projects can increase bicycling activity and reduce the health, environmental, and financial burdens imposed by single-occupant vehicle travel. This technical transfer report describes the development of an extension to existing tools that allows strategic assessme... Read More

Suburban Black Poverty in East Portland: The Role of Transportation in Making Ends Meet

Steven Howland
Portland has faced a mass displacement of Black households from the historically segregated area of Albina through various phases of urban renewal, urban deterioration, and gentrification. A substantial number of them have moved to East Portland, a suburban segment of the City of Portland that was unincorporated county land prior to the 1990’s. As Black people have left Albina, the roots of Blackness there have eroded from the area as businesses and churches catering to them have also closed ... Read More