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Research Highlights

Planning Ahead for Livable Communities Along the Powell-Division BRT: Neighborhood Conditions and Change

Lisa Bates
Aaron Golub
New transit investments can be a double-edged sword for disadvantaged communities (e.g. those included in environmental justice and Title VI potected classes). Transit investments improve community’s mobility and access and may improve health with reduced driving nearby. However, there is also the potential for transit-oriented development to spur gentrification and displacement if affordable housing is lost. Understanding transit corridor conditions and change with new infrastructure is ... Read More

Pedestrian Wayfinding Under Consideration of Visual Impairment, Blindness, and Deafblindness: A Mixed-Method Investigation Into Individual Experiences and Supporting Elements

Martin Swobodzinski
Amy Parker
Navigating an unfamiliar place is uniquely challenging for people with disabilities. People with blindness, deafblindness, visual impairment or low vision, as well as those who use wheelchairs, can travel more independently in urban areas with the aid of effective wayfinding technology. A new report from the National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC) explores how to leverage low-cost methods to enable people to more easily move through public, urban indoor and outdoor spaces... Read More