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Research Highlights

Mobility and Accessibility Resilience of Transportation Infrastructures

David Yang
The objective is to address practical challenges related to mobility and accessibility following natural disasters. The anticipated outcome of this project will be to provide actionable insights and solutions that can be implemented in real-world transportation systems. By leveraging the available data from state DOTs and applying analytical techniques, our research will provide valuable insights and recommendations that can be readily implemented by transportation practitioners and stakehold... Read More

Understanding Factors Affecting Arterial Reliability Performance Metrics

Avinash Unnikrishnan
Sirisha Kothuri , Jason Anderson
Researchers from Portland State University (PSU) partnered with Washington County, Oregon to offer data-driven strategies in prioritizing funding for travel time reliability improvements on their urban arterials. The vast majority of existing research on travel time reliability has focused exclusively on freeways. Funded by the National Institute for Transportation and Communities, PSU researchers Avinash Unnikrishnan, Sirisha Kothuri and Jason C. Anderson leveraged Bluetooth sensors provided... Read More