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Research Highlights

Statistical Inference for Multimodal Travel Time Reliability

Avinash Unnikrishnan
Miguel Andres Figliozzi , Subhash Kochar
Travel time reliability – or the consistency and dependability of travel times from day to day, and at different times of day – is a key metric that significantly affects people’s travel behavior. Since businesses rely heavily on transportation systems, an unreliable transportation network can also impact the economic competitiveness of urban areas. As such, reliable travel times are important for transportation agencies to promote economic stability within a community. Having accurate method... Read More

Key Enhancements to the WFRC/MAG Four-Step Travel Demand Model

Reid Ewing
Shima Hamidi
Conventional four-step travel demand modeling is overdue for a major update. The latest NITC report from the University of Utah offers planners better predictive accuracy through an improved model, allowing for much greater sensitivity to new variables that affect travel behavior. Specifically, it accounts for varying rates of vehicle ownership, intrazonal travel, and multimodal mode choices. Used by nearly all metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), state departments of transportation... Read More