Research Highlights

Biking and Walking Quality Counts: Using “BikePed Portal” Counts to Develop Data Quality Checks

Nathan McNeil
Kristin Tufte
Cycling and walking are sustainable modes of transportation which improve community livability, but these modes have not been studied with the quantitative rigor applied to motor vehicle travel. This research aims to change that by improving bicycle and pedestrian traffic monitoring data quality. This research will address the question, how can erroneous data best be identified through automated processes? The research team will answer this question by analyzing continuous bicycle and pedest... Read More

Life-Space Mobility and Aging in Place

Ivis Garcia
Alan DeLaTorre
Research on older adults frequently explores the notion of “aging in place”—providing older adults the opportunity to continue to live in their own homes and communities. However one’s ability to stay or leave, particularly in old age, often depends on the built environment. An accessible neighborhood that prioritizes mobility affords the ability to meet basic needs like goods, services, and social activities. This life-space mobility is rarely applied in the field of urban planning and ar... Read More