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Research Highlights

Examining the Geotechnical Earthquake Hazard to Transportation Assets in Oregon and Washington: Characterizing Earthquake-Induced Deformations of Silt Soils

Diane Moug
Critical transportation infrastructure in Washington and Oregon is vulnerable to damage during strong earthquake shaking, including the anticipated magnitude 9 Cascadia Subduction Zone event. A major hazard to transportation infrastructure is the failure and deformation of the underlying soil. Soils can undergo large deformations and strength loss when subjected to strong earthquake shaking. Current engineering practice has established guidance for estimating earthquake hazards for clay and s... Read More

Crowdsourcing the Collection of Transportation Behavior Data

Christopher Bone
Marc Schlossberg , Ken Kato , James Meacham
Understanding the travel behaviors of individuals who use public transit is essential for enhancing the performance, sustainability and efficiency of public transportation. Contemporary methods for collecting data on transportation behavior are focused on manual or automated procedures for counting the number of individual passengers entering or exiting transit vehicles. While such methods provide useful data for understanding transit demand throughout a network, they ignore the important det... Read More