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Research Highlights

Developing a model for Transit Oriented Development in Latino Immigrant Communities: A National Study of Equity and TOD

Gerardo Sandoval
Multimodal transportation and land use decisions have important effects on vulnerable low-income communities. TOD (transit oriented development) projects can encourage livability and help these communities by providing access to public transportation, affordable housing and jobs via the transportation network (Crane and Schweitzer 2003; Cervero, R.; Ferrell, C; Murphy, S, 2002). NITC is currently funding a comparative case study of TOD projects in Latino immigrant communities in Los Angeles, ... Read More

Agent-Based Model Simulating Pedestrian Behavioral Response to Environmental Structural Changes

Amy Lobben
Christopher Bone
Our research focused on understanding the travel behavior of individuals in complex urban environments. Specifically, we investigated how land use patterns and infrastructure influence how individuals across a broad range of travel abilities navigate through urban landscapes. Our overall project goal was to develop a transportation planning tool that allows users to simulate pedestrian travel behavior. The tool was built on a computation model that was developed through rigorous measures and ... Read More