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Research Highlights

Developing Data, Models, and Tools to Enhance Transportation Equity

Amy Lubitow
Julius McGee , Raoul Liévanos
Data from travel surveys are used to forecast demand, inform transportation investments, and craft urban policies. Because these data are so essential to shaping our transportation system, it is critical that hard-to-reach populations—such as low-income, minority, and transit-dependent people—have their travel behavior accurately reflected. The limited survey coverage may lead to inaccurate estimation of their transportation access and behavior, impede policy changes related to transportation... Read More

Equity Perspective in Transportation Planning

Jandel Crutchfield
The “Equity Perspective in Transportation Planning” proposal is to develop a module/session that familiarizes students with the historical and structural processes that fuel unequal transportation access and mobility for communities today. It is also about developing students’ own ability to reflect on this history and its impact on their current and future work in transportation planning and the future mobility of individuals and communities in society. In this module/class session students ... Read More