Research Highlights
Improving Walkability Through Control Strategies at Signalized Intersections
Sirisha Kothuri
Christopher Monsere
The goal of signal timing at an intersection should be to separate conflicting movements in time, maximizing safety and efficiency for all users. In many jurisdictions, however, signal timing objectives have traditionally focused on allowing vehicle progression and reducing vehicular delay and stops. While these are important considerations in many contexts, other users (especially pedestrians) deserve similar focus and control strategies. Recent updates to the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM 20...
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Connected Vehicle System Design for Signalized Arterials
Xianfeng (Terry) Yang
Mingyue Ji
Now that we are decades into the Age of Information, it's increasingly important to minimize the age of information: that is, to make sure the information we have is the very latest.
In the world of connected vehicle technology, Age of Information (AoI) is a concept that was introduced in 2012 to quantify the “freshness” of knowledge about the status of remote systems. The latest NITC report from the University of Utah (UU) offers an innovative way of developing a comprehensive traffic sig...
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