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Research Highlights

Integrate Socioeconomic Vulnerability for Resilient Transportation Infrastructure Planning

Liming Wang
John MacArthur , Yu Xiao
This research project develops a novel methodology for assessing transportation network vulnerability and resilience, with a particular focus on incorporating social vulnerability into the analysis. The study addresses a critical gap in existing research by integrating socioeconomic vulnerability indicators into the evaluation of transportation infrastructure vulnerabilities for areas facing multi-hazards, using the Portland metropolitan area as a case study. The methodology combines spat... Read More

Connected Vehicle System Design for Signalized Arterials

Xianfeng (Terry) Yang
Mingyue Ji
Now that we are decades into the Age of Information, it's increasingly important to minimize the age of information: that is, to make sure the information we have is the very latest. In the world of connected vehicle technology, Age of Information (AoI) is a concept that was introduced in 2012 to quantify the “freshness” of knowledge about the status of remote systems. The latest NITC report from the University of Utah (UU) offers an innovative way of developing a comprehensive traffic sig... Read More