Research Highlights
ADA Accessible Trail Improvement with Naturally Occurring, Sustainable Materials
Matthew Sleep
Approximately 7,700 years ago—in a cataclysmic event which the Klamath people retold and passed down for over 300 generations—Mount Mazama erupted, forming Crater Lake in Oregon. With molten rock reaching temperatures of up to 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit, complex chemical reactions ensued. The resulting Mazama ash holds some properties that are similar to those in portland cement.
Today, most construction projects use portland cement, which takes an excessive amount of energy to create. Mater...
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Toward Data and Solution-Focused Approaches to Support Homeless Populations on Public Transit
Anne Nordberg
Jaya Davis , Stephen Mattingly
No matter where you live, but especially if you live in a big city, you have likely seen people experiencing homelessness (PEH) using public transportation services. PEH use public transportation not only to get from place to place but also as shelter. Unfortunately, the relationship between the homeless populations, homeless services providers, and transportation providers is not well understood, making it difficult to pinpoint the best ways to accommodate those experiencing homelessness.
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