Research Highlights
Promoting Environmental Justice Populations’ Access to Opportunities within Suburban Boomtowns: An Interdisciplinary, Mixed-Methods Approach to Addressing Infrastructure Needs
Jandel Crutchfield
Courtney Cronley , Kate Hyun
In the last twenty years, the population increased over 100% in Collin County, Texas. The county is projected to have over 2.4 million residents by 2050 -- more than three times its population in 2010. When enough people flock to an area to call it a boomtown, the population tends to grow much faster than the infrastructure to support it. Where does that leave mobility options for residents?
Researchers from the University of Texas at Arlington's (UTA) School of Social Work and College of ...
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Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Planning: Training for Practitioners
Lynn Weigand
The growing focus on context sensitive solutions and design in roadway planning, increased support for addressing public health objectives through transportation and land use planning, and concerns about oil dependence and global warming all point to a need for planning practitioners to have more knowledge and skills related to pedestrian and bicycle planning. At the same time, the amount of funding going toward pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure has increased significantly since the earl...
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