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Research Highlights

Life-Space Mobility and Aging in Place

Ivis Garcia
Alan DeLaTorre
Research on older adults frequently explores the notion of “aging in place”—providing older adults the opportunity to continue to live in their own homes and communities. However one’s ability to stay or leave, particularly in old age, often depends on the built environment. An accessible neighborhood that prioritizes mobility affords the ability to meet basic needs like goods, services, and social activities. This life-space mobility is rarely applied in the field of urban planning and ar... Read More

The Effects of Commuter Rail on Population Deconcentration and Commuting: A Salt Lake City Case Study

Joanna Ganning
The Wasatch Front is a rapidly growing metropolitan area situated in a region with natural features that extraordinarily limit growth. The Wasatch Front Mountains constrain growth on one side while the Great Salt Lake and the Oquirrh mountains constrain the other. Among the nation’s worst winter inversions occur along the Wasatch Front, whereby high-pressure weather systems trap the air, and all the pollution added by humans, in the valley. The inversions produce red air quality days and sign... Read More