Research Highlights

Community-based Assessment of Transportation Needs to inform City of Portland Smart Cities Plan

Aaron Golub
The Portland Smart Cities UB Mobile PDX proposal is being transformed into a City of Portland Smart cities plan. The original proposal focused strongly on developing mobility solutions that would serve traditionally underserved populations. As the proposal moves into a plan, we intend to deepen our community engagement work, explore and assess what the transportation needs are in traditionally underserved communities, and explore how new mobility solutions embedded in Mobile PDX can best be c... Read More

Statistical Inference for Multimodal Travel Time Reliability

Avinash Unnikrishnan
Miguel Andres Figliozzi , Subhash Kochar
Travel time reliability – or the consistency and dependability of travel times from day to day, and at different times of day – is a key metric that significantly affects people’s travel behavior. Since businesses rely heavily on transportation systems, an unreliable transportation network can also impact the economic competitiveness of urban areas. As such, reliable travel times are important for transportation agencies to promote economic stability within a community. Having accurate method... Read More