Research Highlights
Transferability & Forecasting of the Pedestrian Index Environment (PIE) for Modeling Applications
Kelly Clifton
There have been important advances in non-motorized planning tools in recent years, including the development of the MoPeD pedestrian demand model (Clifton et al., 2013, 2015). This tool and others are increasingly requested by governments and agencies seeking to increase walking activity and create more walkable places. To date, the MoPeD tool has been piloted with success in the Portland region using data unique to Metro, the metropolitan planning organization. However, there is increasing ...
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Improving Walkability Through Control Strategies at Signalized Intersections
Sirisha Kothuri
Christopher Monsere
The goal of signal timing at an intersection should be to separate conflicting movements in time, maximizing safety and efficiency for all users. In many jurisdictions, however, signal timing objectives have traditionally focused on allowing vehicle progression and reducing vehicular delay and stops. While these are important considerations in many contexts, other users (especially pedestrians) deserve similar focus and control strategies. Recent updates to the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM 20...
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