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Research Highlights

Development of Intelligent Multimodal Traffic Monitoring using Radar Sensor at Intersections

Siyang Cao
Yao-Jan Wu
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) need traffic data to run smoothly. At intersections, where there is the greatest potential for conflicts between road users, being able to reliably and intelligently monitor the different modes of traffic is crucial. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) estimates that more than 50 percent of the combined total of fatal and injury crashes occur at or near intersections. For pedestrians the intersection is a particularly dangerous place: the City... Read More

Incorporating Bicycle Activity and Vehicle Travel Reduction from Bicycle Infrastructure into Strategic Planning Tools

Joe Broach
Kristina Currans
Planners and modelers at all levels of government have been grappling with the problem of how to better represent bicycling when modeling and forecasting future scenarios. Planners want to know how and to what extent infrastructure projects can increase bicycling activity and reduce the health, environmental, and financial burdens imposed by single-occupant vehicle travel. This technical transfer report describes the development of an extension to existing tools that allows strategic assessme... Read More