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Research Highlights

Applying a Mt. Mazama Volcanic Ash Treatment as a Trail Accessibility Improvement

Charles (C.J.) Riley
Ashton Greer
In the latest instance of taking research to practice, researchers at Oregon Tech have completed a pilot section of trail using a NITC-developed sustainable paving method. A quarter-mile section of the Klamath Geo Trail, just east and up the hill from the Oregon Tech Klamath Falls campus, has been successfully resurfaced using volcanic ash from Mount Mazama. The researchers explain and demonstrate the process in a NITC research video: https://youtu.be/SD8NmGE2lxg USING MAZAMA ASH TO INCREA... Read More

From Knowledge to Practice: Rethinking Streets for People on Bikes

Marc Schlossberg
John Rowell , Roger Lindgren
This project is a follow up to a highly successful previous NITC project and subsequent nationally distributed book, called “Rethinking Streets: An Evidence Based Guide to 25 Street Transformations. The success of the first book demonstrates a need for easy access to evidence-based transportation information that can be used by practitioners, community members, policy makers, educators, and researchers. This project is to produce a follow-up volume, but focus on streets redesigned to accommo... Read More