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Research Highlights

Fast Track: Allowing Bikes To Participate In A Smart-Transportation System

Stephen Fickas
Marc Schlossberg
This project focuses on a mode of transportation that is currently left out of V2X (vehicle-to-everything) conversations: bicycling. The project demonstrates how university researchers, city traffic engineers, and signal-controller manufacturers can come together to give bicyclists the same technology appearing on modern vehicles: Green Light Optimized Speed Advisory (GLOSA). GLOSA allows motorists to set their speed along corridors to maximize their chances of catching a “green wave” (i.e., ... Read More

Pedal the Old Pueblo: A Naturalistic Study on Bicycling in Tucson, AZ

Joey Iuliano
City investments in bicycle infrastructure can improve residents' health and wellness, lower pollution, fight climate change, and reduce congestion. While transportation geography and planning have long focused on looking at how vehicles, goods, and services move across a region, there is a growing body of research focused on the movement of people through a city. This dissertation by Joey Iuliano of the University of Arizona uses both the City of Tucson and Pima County, Arizona – a region... Read More