Arthur C. Nelson
University of Arizona
Arthur C. (Christian "Chris") Nelson, FAICP, has made significant contributions to the fields of: real estate analysis including the role of changing demographics in shifting long-term real estate development trends; urban growth management and open space preservation, central city revitalization; infrastructure financing; planning effectiveness; transportation and land use outcomes; metropolitan development patterns; the economic effects of facility location; the role of suburban redevelopment in reshaping metropolitan America; and the new “megapolitan” geography of the United States. Arthur C. Nelson is Professor of Urban Planning and Real Estate Development at the University of Arizona. He is also Presidential Professor Emeritus of City & Metropolitan Planning at the University of Utah where, from 2008-2014, he served as founding Director of the Metropolitan Research Center, Adjunct Professor of Finance in the David Eccles School of Business, and founding Co-Director of the Master of Real Estate Development program. Dr. Nelson has received numerous distinctions over his academic career. He is a member of College of Fellows of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), was commissioned Honorary Lieutenant Colonial by the Georgia Governor, received research, teaching and scholarship awards, and was adviser to students winning the AICP national student project of the year award. He has also served as editor of Housing Policy Debate, associate editor of the Journal of Urban Affairs, and Planners’ Notebook editor and associate editor of the Journal of the American Planning Association. He serves in other editorial capacities for several journals.
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