Yao-Jan Wu
Dr. Yao-Jan Wu is an associate professor of transportation engineering and the Director of Smart Transportation Lab in the Civil and Architectural Engineering and Mechanics Department at the University of Arizona (UA). Dr. Wu received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Washington, Seattle in 2010. Currently, Dr. Wu is the faculty advisor of the UA Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) student chapter. He has served as the Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI of over 30 national/international projects. Dr. Wu has more than 100 refereed publications, including more than 50 journal publications. He has presented his research findings more than 100 times at national and international conferences, and invited speaker events. Dr. Wu’s research interests highlight a strong connection between information technology (IT) and traditional transportation research.
Email: yaojan@email.arizona.edu
Website: https://www.yaojan.org/