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It’s time to rethink the street. For too long we’ve been building streets as though they have one function—to move cars quickly. The reality is that streets can to do more than just move cars. They can move people on foot, on bikes, and on transit, often without hurting vehicular throughput and improving safety. They can be more than a way to get somewhere else. Good streets are good places, too – public places where people meet, sit and socialize, conduct business, wander about, play, and more. This webinar will highlight findings from this new book, Rethinking Streets, that uses evidence from completed street projects from around the United States in order to help communities imagine alternative futures for their streets. The book does not show hypothetical street re-designs, but actual examples from typical communities to show how they did what they did and see what resulted from the change.
Key learning outcomes include:
1) to understand different framings for thinking about street purpose and design;
2) to become familiar with a range of outcomes resulting from completed street retrofit projects from around the country; and
3) to understand how to present those impacts to satisfy and engage engineering, planning, policy-maker, and general community member perspectives.
This 60-minute webinar is eligible for one hour of training which equals 1 CM or 1 PDH. NITC applies to the AICP for Certification Maintenance credit for each webinar. We will provide an attendance certificate to those who document their professional development hours.
NITC research project: Rethinking Streets: An Evidence Based Design Manual on Making Streets into Complete Streets