Research Highlights
Deploy Lidar Systems At Intersections To Improve Equitable Mobility
Taylor Li
Stephen Mattingly
In this project, the researchers developed a series of technology transfer materials and plan to facilitate to deploy the research findings out of a NITC-funded project titled “Pedestrian Behavior Study to Advance Pedestrian Safety in Smart Transportation Systems Using Innovative LIDAR Sensors”. In that project, the researchers developed and tested a few LiDAR-based disruptive technologies to improve the safety of vulnerable road users (VRU) at intersections. The research findings were later ...
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From Knowledge to Practice: Rethinking Streets for People on Bikes
Marc Schlossberg
John Rowell , Roger Lindgren
This project is a follow up to a highly successful previous NITC project and subsequent nationally distributed book, called “Rethinking Streets: An Evidence Based Guide to 25 Street Transformations. The success of the first book demonstrates a need for easy access to evidence-based transportation information that can be used by practitioners, community members, policy makers, educators, and researchers. This project is to produce a follow-up volume, but focus on streets redesigned to accommo...
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