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Research Highlights

What do we know about Location Affordability in U.S. Shrinking Cities?

Joanna Ganning
Keith Bartholomew , J. Rosie Tighe
This research led the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to rethink the way they use their Location Affordability Index (LAI). From Josh Geyer, Office of Environment and Energy, High-Performance Buildings Team, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development: "Dr. Ganning’s thorough and convincing analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the Location Affordability Index led HUD to rethink using Census block groups as the geographical unit of analysis. As a result, Version 3... Read More

Development of a Pedestrian Demand Estimation Tool

Kelly Clifton
There is growing support to improve the quality of the walking environment and make investments to promote pedestrian travel. Such efforts often require analytical non-motorized planning tools to estimate levels of pedestrian demand that are sensitive to environmental and demographic factors at an appropriate scale. Despite this interest and need, current forecasting tools, particularly regional travel demand models, often fall short. Until recently, spatially disaggregate travel behavior dat... Read More