Research Highlights
Overcoming Barriers for the Wide-scale Adoption of Standardized Real-time Transit Information
Sean Barbeau
Real-time transit information has many benefits to transit riders and agencies, including shorter perceived and actual wait times, a lower learning curve for new riders, an increased feeling of safety, and increased ridership. In the last few years, a real-time complement to the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) format, GTFS-realtime, has emerged. GTFS-realtime has the potential to standardize real-time data feeds and lead to widespread adoption for transit agencies and multimodal app...
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Evaluation of Roadway Reallocation Projects
Miguel Andres Figliozzi
In the last decade there has been a national trend toward projects that involve roadway space reallocation across modes. Many of these projects may include road diets and are typically very controversial when automobile travel lanes and/or curbside parking are proposed for removal.
Cities and federal agencies typically evaluate roadway changes utilizing level of service measures. Traditional level of service (LOS) for automobile traffic is based on travel time and congestion levels. New ...
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