Research Highlights
Do Travel Costs Matter For Persons With Lower Incomes? Using Psychological and Social Equity Perspectives to Evaluate the Effects of a Low-Income Transit Fare Program on Low-Income Riders
Liu-Qin Yang
Liming Wang , Aaron Golub
In recent years, there has been a nationwide push to move from using cars to using other modes of transportation. The benefits of active transportation (that is, walking, biking, and even using public transit) are widely known. Not only can these modes of transportation increase people’s physical and mental well-being, but they also cut down on the negative effects of cars (like their contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution).
In an effort to encourage more people to use pu...
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Bridge Seismic Retrofit Feasibility Case Study Utilizing Ductile Fuses
Peter Dusicka
In an effort to increase the seismic resiliency of our transportation network, a performance centric retrofit measure has been developed as part of State funded research and evaluated through to large scale laboratory setting. With an eye toward implementation, this technology transfer proposal aims to conduct a feasibility study on incorporating this retrofit measure with a recently developed ductile fuse technology and applying the retrofit to a real bridge case study. The intent is to deve...
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