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Research Highlights

Social-Transportation Analytic Toolbox (STAT) for Transit Networks

Xiaoyue Cathy Liu
Ran Wei , Aaron Golub , Liming Wang
The new Social-Transportation Analytic Toolbox (STAT) for Transit Networks, developed by NITC researchers in a multi-university collaboration, is a dynamic platform that combines Twitter, general transit feed specification (GTFS), and census transportation planning products (CTPP)—in this case, job density data—to help agencies evaluate overall system performance and identify connectivity gaps. It can also act as a decision support tool for recommending service improvements. The STAT is an o... Read More

Assessing State Efforts to Integrate Transportation, Land Use and Climate Change

Rebecca Lewis
Rob Zako
Climate change is increasingly recognized as a threat to life on earth. “Continued emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) will cause further warming and changes in all components of the climate system. Limiting climate change will require substantial and sustained reductions of GHG emissions.” (IPCC WGI, 2013.) The transportation sector accounts for almost one-third of all GHG emissions in the United States. Growing Cooler describes GHG emissions from transportation as comprised of a three-le... Read More