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Research Highlights

Pedestrian and Transit Oriented Design

Keith Bartholomew
This course introduces the theoretical basis and design principles of compact urban development and will review local, national and international TOD’s for the urban design qualities that make a place walkable and encourage multi-modal transportation. From this review, specific TOD locations will be identified and targeted for more comprehensive on-site investigations. Students in the course will be sent out to different metropolitan areas with exemplary TODs to conduct interviews, collect ad... Read More

Sustaining Multimodal Choices: Examining Travel Behavior for Non-work Trips Beyond COVID-19

Yizhao Yang
Rebecca Lewis
Abstract Travel by sustainable modes such as public transit, biking, and walking provides positive outcomes for urban residents for the environment and health. Integrating these mode choices into regular travel trips has been challenging for many Americans. The low adoption of sustainable travel modes has been attributed to environmental factors, and to attitudinal and habitual tendencies rooted in an individual’s beliefs and experiences. The proposed project focuses on understanding the dec... Read More