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Research Highlights

How does transportation affordability vary between TODs, TADs, and other areas

Brenda Scheer
Reid Ewing
Transit-oriented development, or TOD, could be the “poster child” for sustainable urban development. It concentrates land uses, including commercial and multi-family housing, near transit stations so as to reduce car dependency and increase ridership. The benefits are manifold; increased community health, positive economic impacts, less harm to the environment and potentially greater social equity. But what about affordability? In exchange for all these benefits, do TOD residents spend mor... Read More

Maternal Mental Health and Keetoowah Women: Past, Present, and Future

December Maxwell
American Indian/Native American (AI/NA) women experience postpartum depression (PPD) at a disproportionate rate. Poor transportation services and systems increase the risk of PPD prevalence in AI/NA populations, particularly since those in more rural areas have a marked deficit in reliable, safe, and affordable transportation. Little research exists exploring the specific experiences of Native women during the postpartum period relating transportation barriers and use to their culture, birthi... Read More