Research Highlights
Dynamic Evaluation of Transportation Structures with iPod-Based Data Acquisition
Charles (C.J.) Riley
This grant supported coursework and laboratory development and expanded research capacity, promoting (a) innovative learning activities that expose students to cutting-edge methods of bridge structural health and behavior monitoring and (b) research by our growing group of graduate students using developing technologies (specifically, shake tables and iPods with on-board accelerometers). As transportation infrastructure reaches and exceeds its design life, engineering efforts are turning to e...
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V2X: Bringing Bikes into the Mix
Stephen Fickas
This project focuses on a type of transportation that is currently left out of V2X conversations: bicycling. The project demonstrates how an inexpensive system can add new functionality to existing signal controllers, giving bicyclists an efficient way to cross a controlled intersection. The system proposed and demonstrated integrates three components:
(1) a Bike Connect box that resides near the signal-controller and is connected to it,
(2) an application that runs on a Bike Connect devi...
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