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Research Highlights

Transferability & Forecasting of the Pedestrian Index Environment (PIE) for Modeling Applications

Kelly Clifton
There have been important advances in non-motorized planning tools in recent years, including the development of the MoPeD pedestrian demand model (Clifton et al., 2013, 2015). This tool and others are increasingly requested by governments and agencies seeking to increase walking activity and create more walkable places. To date, the MoPeD tool has been piloted with success in the Portland region using data unique to Metro, the metropolitan planning organization. However, there is increasing ... Read More

Understanding the Impact of Decentralizing Homeless Services on Transportation and Mobility in Salt Lake County

Sarah Canham
Ivis Garcia , Jeff Rose , Shannon Jones
How can relocating services away from a downtown center change the transportation decisions and patterns for persons experiencing homelessness? And how do those changes affect access to the services they need? New research from the University of Utah (UU) examines the impacts of decentralizing homeless service locations through a case study in Salt Lake County, Utah. Prior to 2019, resources for people experiencing homelessness in the county were concentrated in a single location: The Roa... Read More