Research Highlights

Evaluation of an Eco-driving Intervention: Changing Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior by Means of Supervisor Support

Donald Truxillo
John MacArthur , Leslie Hammer , Talya N. Bauer
Past eco-driving research has looked at the effectiveness of various eco-driving programs, but the role supervisor and organizational support have remained unexamined. This is unfortunate, as support from the supervisor and the organization have consistently been shown to determine whether or not employee interventions (e.g., training, safety) are effective (e.g., Christian et al. 2009; Salas et al., 2012). In other words, supervisor and organizational support are important for translating em... Read More

Investigating Effects of TNCs on Parking Demand and Revenues

Benjamin Clark
Anne Brown
For the past century, mobility in the United States has been dictated by cars. Furthermore, cars—and even more so, the storage of cars—have dictated urban form. With cities dedicating more space to parking than even streets and roads, parking has become baked into city land use, regulations, codes, ordinances, master plans, and even finances. What happens when a car trip no longer ends in a parking space? Both transportation network companies (TNCs) and, eventually, autonomous vehicles (AVs),... Read More