Principal Investigator Project Title
End Date
Diane Moug Evaluation of landslide susceptibility in Portland’s West Hills 2018-12-15
Arlie Adkins Diversity Grant, Adkins 2018-12-07
Alexander Lee Using Time-Series Analysis to Precisely Identify and Rank Road Hotspots 2018-12-05
Xianfeng (Terry) Yang Vehicle Sensor Data (VSD) Based Traffic Control in Connected Automated Vehicle (CAV) Environment 2018-10-31
Nathan McNeil Biking and Walking Quality Counts: Using “BikePed Portal” Counts to Develop Data Quality Checks 2018-08-31
Liming Wang Incorporate Emerging Travel Modes in the Regional Strategic Planning Model (RSPM) Tool 2018-08-31
Autumn Shafer Engaging Youth to Increase their Transportation System Support, Understanding, and Use 2018-07-01
Stephen Fickas V2X: Bringing Bikes into the Mix 2018-06-30
Maura Kelly Evaluation Research on Respectful Workplaces in Highway Construction 2018-06-30
Marc Schlossberg Educate the Educators: Diffusing the SCYP University-Community Partnership Model 2018-06-30
Ran Wei Evaluating and Enhancing Public Transit Systems for Operational Efficiency, Service Quality and Access Equity 2018-06-30
Philip Winters SEGMENT: Applicability of an Existing Segmentation Technique to TDM Social Marketing Campaigns in the United States 2018-06-30
Jenny Liu Understanding the Accessibility, Economic and Social Equity Impacts of Urban Greenway Infrastructure 2018-04-30
Matthew Sleep The Use of Mt. Mazama Volcanic Ash as Natural Pozzolans for Sustainable Soil and Unpaved Road Improvement 2018-04-30
Sean Barbeau Overcoming Barriers for the Wide-scale Adoption of Standardized Real-time Transit Information 2018-03-31
Kelly Clifton Transferability & Forecasting of the Pedestrian Index Environment (PIE) for Modeling Applications 2018-03-31
Rebecca Lewis The Contribution of Transportation and Land Use to Citizen Perceptions of Livability in Oregon MPOs 2018-03-31
Reid Ewing Does Compact Development Increase or Reduce Traffic Congestion? 2017-12-31
Stephen Fickas Project Phenom: A Smart Bike Project for grades 6-12 2017-12-31
Aaron Golub Community-based Assessment of Transportation Needs to inform City of Portland Smart Cities Plan 2017-12-31
Sirisha Kothuri Improving Bicycle Crash Prediction for Urban Road Segments 2017-12-31
Sirisha Kothuri Addressing Bicycle-Vehicle Conflicts with Alternate Signal Control Strategies 2017-12-31
Roger Lindgren Instructional Modules for Obtaining Vehicle Dynamics Data with Smartphone Sensors 2017-12-31
John MacArthur A North American Survey of Electric Bicycle Owners 2017-12-31
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