TREC director Jennifer Dill shares operation insights with panel at CUTC annual meeting

The Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC) held its 2017 annual Summer Meeting June 19–21 in Buffalo, New York.
The annual meeting draws the nation’s leading transportation professionals from academia and industry, along with U.S. DOT and other transportation agency officials. The event serves as a venue to exchange information and enhance collaboration between university transportation centers (UTCs). UTCs are research consortiums based at universities and focused on transportation topics. The UTC at Portland State University managed by TREC is the National Insitute of Transportation and Communities, or NITC.
Jennifer Dill, the director of TREC and NITC, attended the meeting this week along with associate director Hau Hagedorn and research and education program administrator Eva-Maria Muecke. Dill spoke on a panel about UTC operations with fellow UTC directors Atorod Azizinamini of Florida International University and Denver Tolliver of North Dakota State University. The panel was moderated by Lily Elefteriadou, director of the University of Florida Transportation Institute.
The panel members outlined the structure of their UTC and addressed a range of questions about how a UTC operates. Topics included how to collaborate and obtain match funding from partners, how projects are selected and funded, and how to engage students with the research across each UTC consortium. They also discussed data collection and performance measures for DOT reports, how to plan the UTC's programming, and how to ensure smooth communication between UTC administration and universities.
Dill has operated the UTC at Portland State University for 11 years, starting with OTREC in 2006. NITC's focus is on improving mobility of people and goods to build strong communities.