Torrey Lyons
Torrey Lyons is a PhD candidate in the Metropolitan Planning, Policy and Design program at the University of Utah. He comes to the MRC with a background in transportation policy research. He received his Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies from the University of Vermont, and a Master of Public Policy from the University of Utah, where he graduated with honors. His most recent research has focused on social equity in transit service, transit agency levers affecting ridership, and the effects of compact development on traffic congestion. He is currently working under Dr. Reid Ewing on projects that include improvements to the four step travel demand model, and growth management effectiveness, and the effects of polycentric development patterns. He recently taught Research Methods in Urban Ecology and is currently co-teaching Land Use and Transportation Planning with Dr. Ewing. Torrey is also an accomplished snowboarder, still riding at a semi-professional level with current endorsement contracts. He enjoys spending time outdoors, including camping, backpacking, backcountry snowboarding, and distance running.
Email: torrey.lyons@gmail.com