
Researchers interested in NITC's newest pooled fund project, "Exploring Data Fusion Techniques to Derive Bicycle Volumes on a Network," are invited to join us for an informational conference call, hosted through GoToMeeting.

The first half of the meeting will consist of an overview of the project, followed by a 30-35 minute Q&A. Preview the slides for more information, and for more details about joining the GoToMeeting session.

Active transport modes such as bicycling are associated with many advantages including lower congestion and emission levels and improvement in personal health. Many cities are interested in increasing bicycle activity to take advantage of these benefits. To understand if their municipal efforts are successful in increasing bicycle activity, cities require accurate accounting of bicycle traffic. Since directly observing counts are expensive, these data continue to be limited to a few points on a network. As a result, data fusion from various sources, such as manual counts, short duration counts, continuous counts, crowdsourced data (e.g., strava, ride report...

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