This presentation will review research regarding the economic impact of bicycle infrastructure on local businesses. Three case study corridors in San Francisco, CA are examined, and a robust discussion of the shortcomings of the research will be included. A question and open discussion period will follow, with a focus on constructive criticism of past research and methods to improve future work.
Miss the presentation or want a look back at the slides? You can view them here.
Joseph Poirier, Associate, Nelson\Nygaard
Joseph Poirier believes improving transportation is the most important part of fighting climate change. Joe has more than four years of experience in the transportation planning advocacy and academic worlds, and years more working freight logistics in the lumber industry. Joe specializes in active transportation and transit station area planning. His approach is to create efficient, equitable, and welcoming transportation systems to produce cleaner, happier, healthier communities.
This 60-minute seminar is eligible for 1 hour of professional development credit for AICP (see our provider summary). We can provide an electronic attendance certificate for other types of certification maintenance.
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