Friday, February 13, 2015, 12:00pm to 1:00pm PST
Alex Bigazzi, Ph.D., Portland State University
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Health risks associated with air pollution uptake while bicycling are often cited as a potential drawback to increased bicycling in cities. This seminar will provide an overview of how roadway and travel characteristics impact bicyclists' uptake of traffic-related air pollution. Specific considerations for planners and designers of urban transportation systems to mitigate risks for travelers will be discussed. In addition, the extent to which bicyclists themselves can unilaterally reduce their pollution uptake will be described. This seminar synthesizes findings from a recently completed doctoral dissertation at Portland State University and from the broader literature.
Alex Bigazzi recently completed his Ph.D. in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Portland State University. His dissertation addressed the impacts of urban transportation system characteristics on bicyclists’ uptake of traffic-related air pollution. Dr. Bigazzi’s research interests focus on the areas of motor vehicle pollution emissions and energy consumption, and the air quality and health impacts of urban transportation systems.Researchers: