This webinar has six elements:
- Introducing themes related to how transit should affect the location of jobs and people, and how real estate should respond;
- Creating a research typology of different landscapes served by transit that is also useful in transit planning;
- Analyzing how transit stations influence shifts in the regional share of jobs, people and housing;
- Investigating how transit station proximity influences mode choice and household transportation budgets;
- Estimating the effect of transit station proximity on real estate rents by type of transit system and type of real estate, and the extent to which outcomes are consistent with theory; and
- Identifying opportunities for transit station planning to unlock the potential to leverage economic benefits of transit to advance social well-being.
- How transit influences the location of jobs by major land use group to aid in economic development planning.
- How transit influences the relocation of people and households in ways that will surprise planners, and challenge them to redouble efforts to increase housing opportunities near stations for a much larger range of households than is done presently.
- How we can use real estate market rent to know if transit station and land use planning has been effective, and what may be needed to improve outcomes.
- How to know when transit station and land use planning may fail to meet their promises, and what can be done about it.
This webinar is based on a study funded by the National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC) and conducted at the University of Arizona, Tucson. Read more about the research: LRT/BRT/SCT/CRT Development Outcomes.
Arthur C. Nelson, University of Arizona
Arthur C. Nelson is Professor of Urban Planning and Real Estate Development at the University of Arizona. He is also Presidential Professor Emeritus of City & Metropolitan Planning at the University of Utah. He has also served as full professor of planning at Georgia Tech and Virginia Tech, as well as adjunct professor of law at Georgia State. During 2000-2001, Dr. Nelson an expert consultant on smart growth for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. His major teaching and research areas include metropolitan development policy and patterns, smart growth, public facility planning and finance, real estate development, metropolitan governance, and urban infill and redevelopment methods. Dr. Nelson has been PI/Co-PI on more than $50 million on grants and contracts. He has written more than 20 and 300 other works, and has received numerous national and international awards.
Kristina Currans, University of Arizona
Kristina Currans, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Urban Planning at the University of Arizona. She studies the intersection between transportation and land use development. Although trained as a civil engineer, Dr. Currans' work bridges the transportation planning and engineering disciplines. Her current research and teaching emphasizes the rethinking and redeveloping new data and methods for applications in practice to help communities plan for the places they want. Recent and on-going research includes: (1) Operationalizing the link between off-site parking supply and vehicle demand impacts for practice; (2) Shared electric scooter programs and how they can be integrated into traveler's behavior choices; (3) How the availability of transportation infrastructure impacts transportation choices (e.g., drive, walk, bike); and (4) The impact of transit investment on real estate values across multiple regions and transit systems.
Robert Hibberd, University of Arizona
Robert Hibberd is a doctoral student in Geography and Development at the University of Arizona whose minor field is planning. His education includes Smart Growth, real estate finance and policy, and planning policy. He has considerable educational and professional experience in spatial database development and analysis, spatial analysis and modeling, and cartography, including 5 years professional experience in the field of GIS, and 4 years teaching related courses at UA. Hibberd has been a research assistant on three NITC grants, is co-author of more than a dozen reports and refereed papers, and has been recognized as an outstanding NITC doctoral student.
This 60-minute webinar is eligible for 1 hour of professional development credit for AICP (see our provider summary). We provide an electronic attendance certificate for other types of certification maintenance.
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This webinar is hosted by the Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) at Portland State University. The research was funded by the Summit Foundation and the National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC), a program of TREC and one of five U.S. Department of Transportation national university transportation centers. The NITC program is a Portland State-led partnership with the University of Oregon, Oregon Institute of Technology, University of Utah and new partners University of Arizona and University of Texas at Arlington. We pursue our theme — improving mobility of people and goods to build strong communities — through research, education and technology transfer.