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- View John MacArthur's presentation slides
Electric bicycle (e-bike) use is a rising phenomenon in North America. In 2018, John MacArthur of Portland State University conducted a national survey to understand issues facing e-bike owners. Reducing physical exertion, conquering challenging topography and replacing car trips are a few of the most important reasons for buying an e-bike. The electric assist of the e-bike helps to generate more trips, longer trips and different types of bicycle trips. Through analysis it also became evident that e-bikes are making it possible for more people to ride a bicycle, many of whom are incapable of riding a standard bicycle or don’t feel safe doing so.
In 2017, Forth launched the Community Electric Bike Project, which was designed to test the benefits of e-bikes for individuals who live in underserved communities and lack access to frequent transit services in Portland, Oregon. In partnership with the Community Cycling Center and GenZe, the project aimed to serve individuals who sought another mode of transportation. Forth hoped that this project would bring more light mobility transportation options into underserved neighborhoods. Sergio Lopez of Forth will share the full report of what the project achieved within the Portland community.
- Understand potential advantages of e-bikes over other mobility options for underserved communities;
- Learn about the various barriers to e-bike use among people of different communities;
- Gain an understanding of the various factors that affect people's perception, use, and decisions about whether to adopt e-bikes as a form of transportation.
This webinar is based on a study funded by the National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC) and conducted at Portland State University, as well as a project by Forth: Transforming Active Transportation Through Electrification: The Community Electric Bike Project (PDF). Read more about the NITC research: National Electric Bike Owner Survey.
John MacArthur is the Principal Investigator for TREC's electric bicycle research initiatives. His research also includes low-/no-emission vehicle infrastructure in Portland metro, as well as a climate change impact assessment for surface transportation in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. Before joining the TREC staff, John was the Context Sensitive and Sustainable Solutions Program Manager for the Oregon Department of Transportation’s OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program.
Sergio Lopez, Go Forth Electric Showcase Program Manager, Forth
Sergio manages the Go Forth Electric Showcase and leads the delivery of pilot projects that advance sustainable transportation. Previously, he has served as a local brand ambassador for BIKETOWN and an assistant researcher at Portland State University developing green spaces. He holds a B.S in Cultural Anthropology.
This 60-minute webinar is eligible for 1 hour of professional development credit for AICP (see our provider summary). We provide an electronic attendance certificate for other types of certification maintenance.
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This webinar is hosted by the Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) at Portland State University in partnership with Forth. The research was funded by the National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC), a program of TREC and one of five U.S. Department of Transportation national university transportation centers. The NITC program is a Portland State-led partnership with the University of Oregon, Oregon Institute of Technology, University of Utah and new partners University of Arizona and University of Texas at Arlington. We pursue our theme — improving mobility of people and goods to build strong communities — through research, education and technology transfer.