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This webinar will explain how app-based technologies can improve upon traditional pen-and-paper-based daily transportation diaries in terms of quantity and quality of data collected, particularly for environmental justice populations. The researchers will describe their own efforts, working on an inter-disciplinary team, to develop a custom-designed app, MyAmble, that measures the impact of transportation disadvantage more broadly across access to basic resources, opportunity to participate in wider society, and quality of life. MyAmble includes several innovations – daily digital trip planning, a text-messaging-based qualitative interview tool, and a challenge logger enabling participants to document real-time transportation barriers through videos and photos. Viewers will learn pragmatic strategies for implementing similar app-based ecological momentary assessment transportation data collection tools. In addition, researchers will share lessons learned from working on a technology-based interdisciplinary team.
Courtney Cronley, PhD, MSSW, The University of Texas at Arlington School of Social WorkDr. Cronley's research focuses on the context of care for women and children experiencing homelessness. She has published over 20 manuscripts and presented at premier national conferences in social work and public health. Currently, she is completing two grant-funded, mixed-method studies. One examines the intersection of the homeless and child welfare service sectors among mothers experiencing homelessness, and the second explores housing insecurity as an antecedent and correlate of engaging in sex work among high-risk women. She also teaches advanced research methods for social work master's students and intermediate statistics for doctoral students.
Noelle Fields, PhD, LCSW, The University of Texas at Arlington School of Social WorkNoelle Fields is an assistant professor at the University of Texas at Arlington School of Social Work. Her primary research interests are in gerontology, with a particular focus on family caregiving and dementia, home and community-based services for older adults, and technology and aging. Dr. Fields is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) and has practice experience working with both families and elders in a variety of settings. Dr. Fields has co-authored several publications related to assisted living, adult day services, aging well, and dementia caregiving. She has also presented at numerous national conferences on her research in gerontology and social work. Dr. Fields teaches courses such as Family Caregiving and Aging, Direct Practice with Aging, and Human Behavior in the Social Environment II.
Stephen Mattingly, PhD, The University of Texas at Arlington Department of Civil EngineeringDr. Mattingly joined the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) in September 2002. Prior to joining UTA he served on the faculty at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF) for two and a half years, and also served as a lecturer at the University of Southern California. While at UAF, Dr. Mattingly helped found the FAA Air Transportation Centers of Excellence Program: Center for General Aviation Research. He teaches undergraduate courses in transportation engineering and transportation planning as well as graduate courses in analytical models in transportation, system evaluation and decision making, transportation network analysis, transportation planning and bicycle and pedestrian facility planning and design. In 2013, he joined in a consortium that formed the Transportation Research Center for Livable Communities through the USDOT University Transportation Centers Program. In 2016, he led UTAs participation in the National Institue for Transportation and Communities a national center funded through the USDOT University Transportation Centers Program. Dr. Mattingly’s areas of research include a wide variety of projects. The state funded research projects include work on evaluating existing highway right-of-way for accommodating high speed passenger rail, evaluating overheight detection devices, managed lane pricing and weaving, institutional approaches for interjurisdictional system management and detection and mitigation of roadway hazards for bicyclists. The federally-funded projects include: developing public health performance measures for transportation infrastructure, engineering sustainable engineers, evaluation of the Anaheim advanced traffic control system field operational test (SCOOT performance and assessment of institutional issues), documenting the institutional issues associated with the Irvine integrated corridor freeway ramp metering and arterial adaptive control field operational test, impacts of the Northridge Earthquake on traffic network performance, and determining the safety impact an end-around taxiway.
This 60-minute webinar is eligible for 1 hour of professional development credit for AICP (see our provider summary). We will provide a certificate for other types of certification maintenance.
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