University of Utah Students Enhance Multi-Use Trail Connections
Students in the University of Utah’s Westside Studio investigated how to improve access to downtown from the west side of Salt Lake City.
Led by Ivis Garcia, the project's goal was to learn from residents about their use of an existing multi-use path, the Jordan Park River Trail, and to help enhance the connection between residents living near the trail and the downtown area on the river's east side.
Students surveyed 300 residents and conducted focus groups, which revealed that many area residents either didn't know about the trail or didn't perceive it as a safe place to walk. Local community leaders also visited the class and shared their expertise with students.
"A lot of elements of the course were around teaching community engagement and action," Garcia said.
In order to enhance users' experiences with the trail, the students coordinated with the community to do placemaking activities, installing signage and painting murals to make the area feel more attractive and welcoming.
The final report provides a closer look at results from the surveys and focus groups, as well as information on the enhancements done by students.
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